English 2024

Speakers: Chang Jih Ren , Dr Simon Huang , Dr. Simon Wong , Judith Tang , Lau Mee Ting , Matthew Wong , Pastor Raymond Law , Pastor Thomson , Rev Chan Chok Ong , Rev Dr Stephen Joseph , Rev Elijah Chew , Rev Jabez Tiong Huong Ong , Rev Tie King Tai , Wong Chin Hock

Title Scripture Speaker Date
Fight or flight? Matthew 2:13-16 Pastor Raymond Law 2024-12-29
A Life That Pleases God 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 Rev Chan Chok Ong 2024-12-22
Peace on earth? Isaiah 9:6 & Luke 2:14 Chang Jih Ren 2024-12-15
Jesus revealed to us John 1: 1-18 Matthew Wong 2024-12-08
Be Prepared for Advent Luke 21:25-36 Rev Jabez Tiong Huong Ong 2024-12-01
Jesus: King Forever Colossians 1:15-20 Pastor Raymond Law 2024-11-24
Deliverance Mark 1:21-39 Lau Mee Ting 2024-11-17
God loves the Righteous Proverbs 15:24-33 Judith Tang 2024-11-10
The Light Of the World John 8:12, Matthew 5:14-16 Dr Simon Huang 2024-10-27
Ready or not? Pastor Raymond Law 2024-10-20
The Origin of Grumbling Exodus 14:10-12; 15:23-24; 16:7 Rev Chan Chok Ong 2024-10-13
New Commitment Matthew 28:19-20, John 13:34-35 Rev Jabez Tiong Huong Ong 2024-10-06
Inner Healing Isaiah 53:3-5 & John 21:15-17 Lau Mee Ting 2024-09-29
The Pursuit of God Genesis 22:1-13 (NIV), 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 (NKJV) Pastor Raymond Law 2024-09-22
Are You Looking For Justice And Mercy? Exodus 3:7-8; Luke 23:34 Chang Jih Ren 2024-09-15
The Courage to Rise Exodus 2:1-10, Matthew 28:16-20 Pastor Raymond Law 2024-09-08
The Mission of God (Missio Dei) John 20:21-22 Rev Jabez Tiong Huong Ong 2024-09-01
So tired, so painful 1 Kings 19:1-18, Mark 8: 34-35 Pastor Raymond Law 2024-08-25
Fight The Good Fight Ephesians 6:10-20 Wong Chin Hock 2024-08-18
A Glorious Transformation 2 Cor 3:12-18 Rev Jabez Tiong Huong Ong 2024-08-04

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